Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wake up.

It's 6:15 am. The house is still and quiet. I lay comfortably snuggled under our fluffy down alternative comforter. Brenton has left for the old coal mines a couple of hours before and I am thoroughly enjoying having our big king sized mattress all to myself.
(whispered) "Mama..."
I stir ever so slightly..
"shh... so seep... so seep... shh..."
*SMACK!* With full toddler force I am whacked in the face by Emma's tiny little palm (a trick my darling husband taught her very early on).
I crack an eye rubbing my cheek. "Ow!" Emma says with a grin "Hiiii Mama!!" There is something ever so disturbing about the amount of energy a child has in the morning. I mean, the sun hasn't even woken up and this kid is ready to climb Mt. Everest... or at least the obstacle course that is our house. "Good Morning Miss Emma" I say in my hoarse morning man voice. "Up!" she proclaims putting her little Brobee beanie baby on my pillow and climbing her way onto my once quiet and cozy sanctuary. "Up!" she repeats. I roll over and grab the iPad next to the bed and click on our lamp. I pull up a few books and Emma snuggles up next to me. The next two hours are filled with giggles, puzzles, and lots of smiles. As I laid there exhausted and half conscious I couldn't help but grin. Sure, I would have loved to have those extra hours of slumber, yes I wanted a giant cup of fresh pressed coffee, but that moment with my Ladybug was perfect in every way. It wasn't chaotic or scheduled it was my little girl waking up and wanting to see her mommy. There isn't anything in the world worth trading that for.